Current Hourly Opportunities |
Current Management Opportunities |
Full Time Cashier - AEI Food Stores Plateau Plaza
20430 Virgil H. Goode Hwy. Rocky Mount, VA Part Time Cashier - AEI Food Stores Plateau Plaza 20430 Virgil H. Goode Hwy. Rocky Mount, VA |
Shift Leader - AEI Food Stores Plateau Plaza
20430 Virgil H. Goode Hwy. Rocky Mount, VA Assistant Manager - AEI Food Stores Plateau Plaza 20430 Virgil H. Goode Hwy. Rocky Mount, VA Restaurant Manager - AEI Food Stores Plateau Plaza 20430 Virgil H. Goode Hwy. Rocky Mount, VA |
Please feel free to stop in, or call the location at which you have applied, and speak with the manager concerning your application.
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Click Here to a list of locations.